Dec 10, 2018
In the city of brotherly love, there is a company telling the story and many up and coming brands.
In this episode, we sit down with David Feinman, Co-Founder of Flixation, a video editing company. David takes us back to his first entrepreneurial venture as a head of a half marathon company. He shares with us how he told his boss why he was wrong what came from it. Also before the break, David shares with us why he is obsessed with the customer experience.
After the break, David shares with StartupNation how to price for your services. Flixation has a 5-day business turnaround so David shares why this policy in place. Lastly, David shares why his entrepreneurial superpower comes from him being an avid runner.
Ready to tell your brand story and claim your 2 free hours of video editing? Go to Fliaxtion's website and enter Promo Code: TheStartupLife
Check out the book that David mentioned: Zero To One
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